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How to repair the valve ball

date:[2017-11-20]     pk_hits:

Valve ball repair methods:

1. Must first identify the ball valve, the downstream pipe has indeed been removed after the pressure to disassembly and disassembly.

2. Disassembly and reassembly must be careful to prevent damage to the sealing surface of parts, especially non-metallic parts, remove the O-ring should use special tools.

3. Assemble the flange bolts must be symmetrical, step by step, evenly tightened.

4. Cleaner and ball valve should be rubber parts, plastic parts, metal parts and working medium are compatible.

5 working medium for gas, gasoline can be used to clean metal parts. Non-metallic parts with pure water or alcohol cleaning.

6. Disassembled individual parts can be cleaned by dipping. Non-metallic pieces of metal that remain undistracted can be cleaned with delicate and delicate impregnation

7. Cleansing cloth silk scrub. Cleaning to remove all adhesion on the wall of grease, dirt, glue, dust and so on.

7. Valve ball new parts also need to be cleaned before assembly.

8. Grease with grease. Grease should be ball valve metal materials, rubber parts, plastic parts and working medium are compatible. The surface of the seal mounting groove

Apply a thin layer of grease on the rubber seal coated with a thin layer of grease, the valve stem sealing surface and the friction surface coated with a thin layer of grease.

9. Assembly should not allow metal debris, fiber, grease, dust and other impurities, foreign bodies and other pollution, adhesion or stay on the surface of the parts or into the cavity.

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