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Valve ball valve air tightness testing

date:[2017-11-20]     pk_hits:

In the air tightness testing, no matter what kind of device is used, the air tightness of the device should generally be detected first in order to ensure the test can be carried out smoothly.

Ball valve ball valve air tightness detection are generally multi-stage piston pump, and then press the large area of low pressure push high pressure small area, speed up the plunger in the pump reciprocating motion, continue to generate high pressure and then output. Pressure will continue to increase, making the pump speed gradually slow down, until the balance between the forces, and finally make the pump out of operation.

If the multistage piston pump can stop smoothly, then the valve ball valve pressure has reached a balance, there is no excess gas leak out, then the valve ball valve air tightness can already be considered to meet the requirements.

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