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What are the different applications of the valve ball sphere

date:[2017-11-20]     pk_hits:

As the valve ball valve seat ring is generally made of plastic, so in the choice of ball valve structure and performance, to consider the ball valve fire performance, flammable, explosive medium equipment and piping systems using the ball valve , But should pay attention to fire prevention.

Valve ball for low-voltage cut-off, light structure, corrosive medium piping system. Valve spheres are also used in cryogenic installations and piping systems.

In the oxygen pipeline system of the metallurgical industry, the valve ball needs to undergo strict degreasing treatment. In the oil pipeline and gas pipeline in the main pipeline to be buried in the ground, you need to use full-bore welding valve ball. When required to have regulatory performance, the need to use a special structure with a V-shaped opening of the valve ball.

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