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Valves produced by the valve ball What are the role

date:[2017-11-20]     pk_hits:

Valve ball structure is relatively simple, the installation size is relatively small, the operation is also very simple. Valve ball can be made of straight, three-way structure of the valve, which through the ball valve in the existing flow resistance of the valve is minimal, making it able to convey the suspended particles and the viscosity of the media.

Mainly used for conveying air and other gases and water, organic solvents and other liquids, and liquid containing suspended particles. Because the hard seal ball valve spool is alloy steel spray, the ring is alloy steel surfacing, so the hard seal ball valve does not produce too much wear and tear in the switch. Valve ball easy to operate and maintain, and the service life is also very long, oil, chemical, power generation and other departments have adopted.

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